Acne Cure

If you’re looking for information on an acne cure, this article is for you. Acne skin care is your best defense. Be proactive and take good care of your skin.

Acne hits 80% of the population at some time in their life. Although the exact cause is not known, it is believed that the underlying reason is hormonal. When hormones become unbalanced a signal is sent to the skin’s oil gland, which then produced more oil. The result can be clogged pores and the dreaded zit outbreak.

So good preventative skin care, can make a world of difference. There are many products on the market specifically designed for oily or acne pronee skin. Do some research, until you find a product that fits your budget and your skin type.

You should use a facial cleanser daily, followed by an astringent application, and then moisturizer. Yes, even though you have oily skin a moisturizer is very important to keeping your skin healthy. However, be sure to choose a non oily moisturizer, one that is designed specifically for acne users.

One to two times a week you should also use a gentle exfoliator. Gentle exfoliating will remove dead skin, increase circulation, and aid in ridding yourself of acne. Make sure the exfoliator you choose is gentle and will not irritate your acne.

Once a month use a facial mask designed for acne. This will help pull impurities out of the skin, leaving your skin fresh and beautiful. Do not over use, or you will create a vicious cycle. If you dry your skin out, it will begin producing excess oil, which will then cause an acne outbreak.

You can also use a medicated concealer directly on the pimple. This will conceal it and medicate it all in one step. If you use foundation, be sure to choose a foundation that is water based and not oil based. An oil base will clog your pores and result in more zits.

There is no cure for acne, and if you are a serious acne sufferer you should seek medical help. However, for the majority of us that have the occasional outbreak, good skin care can go along way to eliminating or at least minimizing these outbreaks.

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